International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity held a successful 'hybrid' meeting in central London earlier in the month. Speakers from Britain, Ireland, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Poland spoke on the platform or via Zoom on the topic 'The struggle against Banderite fascism and the future of Ukraine'. This is the contribution from John Maxted from the British No2Nato-No2war campaign. Since its founding, No2Nato has fought hard to establish itself as the home for all sections of the British anti-war movement, regardless of where they identify on the political spectrum. We recognise that it's only by forging a united front that we can truly stand up for international peace and friendship. Perhaps most importantly, we understand that the greatest obstacle to achieving and maintaining that peace is NATO and the aggression it has carried out on multiple fronts. This is why it is our mission to see Britain break free from this organisation, as it is effectively ...