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Showing posts with the label CPRF

Donbas communists: our historic mission

  by Boris Litvinov Boris Litvinov, is the First Secretary of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) District of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) Our troops have advanced some 35 to 40 kilometres from Donetsk, which means the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic is now beyond the reach of Ukrainian artillery and tanks, Now the administrative border of the Donetsk Republic with the Dnepropetrovsk region is just 10 kilometres away from the front. But there are still many problems due to the supply of Western weapons such as missiles and modern drones. So the attacks on Donetsk are still ongoing with weapons supplied to Ukraine from the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other NATO countries. But whatever weapons are used against us the decisive factor is the fighting soldier – the infantry. Of course, many people are now discussing the forms in which negotiations on ending the war will take place, but the question is, who will participate? And what will ...

Struggle for Socialism – Struggle for Peace!

  by Tatiana Desyatova  The decision to start the special operation of the Russian troops, taken by President Putin came like a thunderstorm out of clear skies for Russian society. The very first days of the war showed that the scale of what is happening goes far beyond not only Russia-Ukraine relations, but also beyond the European continent. It happens on the background of the most desperate struggle in the information sphere and severe economic sanctions.  A considerable number of Russian citizens are experiencing mixed feelings: from patriotism and to radical pacifism with demands for peace here and now. Our task is to analyse what is happening from Marxist-Leninist positions.  We are sincerely convinced that in difficult situations one should first of all look for answers in the ideological legacy of V I Lenin, since its power is so great that it still relevant and up to date. According to Lenin wars can be of different types. The first  is when wars ...

Donbas communists speak out!

  By Theo Russell “ The immediate aim is the demilitarisation of Ukraine, and the removal of the current  leadership of Ukraine by any means” - Boris Litvinov On 28th May 2023 I met with Boris Litvinov, secretary of the Donetsk People’s  Republic (DPR) District of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), in  Moscow. His comments are reported below. “We have spent eight years fighting for the Donetsk People's Republic with volunteer detachments against the Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF). “ The Minsk and Normandy negotiations were cynically used by the Western Powers  to buy time for Ukraine to build up its armed forces, and in 2021 Zelensky declared  his intention to reoccupy the Donbas. “After 17 February 2022 shelling of the Donbas by the UAF greatly increased, and on  18 February the mass evacuation of children from the war zone to the Russian  Federation began. “The UAF launched an attack with 60,000 troops, and the Donetsk...

What the ‘other side’ say about Ukraine

   Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega   "With all the sanctions they've imposed on the Russian Federation, which is waging a just war against fascism, against Nazism, which is entrenched in the power of the golpistas in Ukraine, they are destroying the European economy".  Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro  “The war in Ukraine is not a local military war, it is a global war, an economic war. Indeed, it is a world war. It is a war against Russia, its goal is to destroy Russia.”  Khulekani Skosana, ANC Youth League “Our position is that we side with the oppressed people of Donbas who have been bombarded for the past eight years, and they don't have the opportunity to appear every day on CNN, therefore it is our responsibility to speak for them. We commend President Putin and we commend President Cyril Ramaphosa for taking this posture and standing up against bullies who for years have thought the world belongs to them. For us it's very clear...

Joint Statement on Ukraine

Joint statement moved by the Russian Communist Workers' Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at the international meeting of communist and workers' parties in Havana  The Struggle Against USA and NATO Imperialism which Seek World Hegemony is the Key Task of the Progressive Forces The peoples of the world are witnessing a rapid sharpening of the general crisis of capitalism. Unable to cope with the growing contradictions, imperialism is becoming ever more dangerous for humankind. It resorts ever more often to provocations and conflicts. Its actions threaten a new world war and the use of nuclear weapons.      In fact the war, as armed struggle of classes, nations or states, has been waged since 2014 when the Kiev Nazis launched a punitive operation against the population of Donbass. People were being killed for wanting to speak their native Russian tongue, refusing to recognize collaborators with Hitler’s Nazism as heroes, to destroy Soviet monument...

Defend the Donbas!

 Defend Russia! Down with NATO! Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega:  "With all the sanctions they've imposed on the Russian Federation, which is waging a just war against fascism, against Nazism, which is entrenched in the power of thegolpistas in Ukraine, they are destroying the European economy".  Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro:  “The war in Ukraine is not a local military war, it is a global war, an economic war. Indeed, it is a world war. It is a war against Russia, its goal is to destroy Russia.”  South African president Cyril Ramaphosa:  "The war could have been avoided if NATO had heeded the warnings from amongst its own leaders and officials that its eastward expansion would lead to greater, not less, instability in the region".  Khulekani Skosana, ANC Youth League:  “Our position is that we side with the oppressed people of Donbas who have been bombarded for the past eight years, and they don't have the opportunity to appear every da...

Down with American imperialism!

  Long live workers' solidarity and a multipolar world! On 28 July 2022, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region gathered in front of the US Embassy in Moscow to meet with Communist deputies in support of the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine as well as in protest against the aggressive policy pursued by the United States and its satellites against Russia.      The second part of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century were characterised by unrestrained American expansion along with, the policy of inciting local wars, inspiring "colour revolutions", unrestrained exploitation of people and resources initiated by them.      After the treacherous destruction of the USSR, the undivided domination of the world oligarchy, carried out through the policy of the United States has been established over humanity for some time.      The Ukrainian events have clearly demonstrated the destructive nature of impe...

The mistakes of the Greek comrades

  International Department of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Workers Party  On the class understanding of the struggle against fascism and the mistakes of the “leftism” of the Greek comrades We have already written quite a lot about the spread of opinions among the communists on the issue of assessing the ongoing military operations of the Russian Federation Armed Forces and Donbass militias in the Donbass and Ukraine. Various, sometimes opposing opinions. The hot fuse of some comrades and even the hysterical impulses of some other comrades, of course, are worthy of attention and consideration. But still, first of all, we are interested in a scientific approach to assessing events. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin himself, in the preface to the post-revolutionary edition of “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism”, wrote, “I would like to hope that my pamphlet will help to understand the basic economic question, without studying of which it is impossible to understa...


 by G A Zyuganov  Chair of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation In an interview to the British newspaper the Telegraph Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stated that: “rhe Russian world is a cancer which not only devours a majority of the Russian society but also poses a deadly threat to Europe as well. It’s not sufficient for us to support Ukraine in its military struggle against Russia, we have to uproot this terrible ideology completely.” This is an absolutely disgusting statement demonstrating the depth of hatred the current Polish elite has to Russia. It’s clear that uprooting the ideology of the “Russian World” will be implemented together with the Russian nation as the ideology bearer. Actually it sounds like a call for destruction of our civilisation. This is in full correspondence with what Hitler tried to do, while destroying the Soviet people under the pretext of fighting against communism. It is well known that the Russia...