Thursday 25th August CLICK ON THIS LINK TO JOIN THE ZOOM MEETING AT 7PM BST, THU 25 AUGUST: Join Zoom Meeting (The meeting will open 30 minutes early so that participants can be ready for the start) Free the Kononovych Brothers! Free all Ukrainian Political Prisoners! Restore political and media freedoms in Ukraine! S peakers from the UK, US and Ukraine Chris Williamson, Trade Union & Socialist Coalition (UK), ex-Labour Party MP and Shadow Minister Alexey Albu, Borotba (Struggle), survivor of the 2014 Odessa Trade Union House Fire massacre Steve Sweeney, former International Editor, The Morning Star Dmitry Dezhnev, Union of Ukrainian Political Emigrants and Refugees (depending on communication availability with eastern Ukraine) Phil Wilayto, Odessa Solidarity Campaign (Virginia, USA) Organised by: International Ukraine Anti Fascist Solidarity...