The current Ukrainian authorities have unleashed political repression against the left and other opposition parties since last year. Ideological opponents of the current government in Ukraine are awaiting prison or death. We openly and constantly say to the whole world that an oligarchic dictatorship headed by President Zelensky has been established in Ukraine. In one of his recent articles, the leader of our party; Union of Left Forces - For New Socialism, Maxim Goldarb, wrote how all those who disagree with the government are now being declared 'state traitors'; in Ukraine. This article was published in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the USA and many other countries around the world. Just a few weeks after the publication of this article, on October 12 2023, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search in Maxim Goldarb's Kiev apartment, during which personal belongings and pension savings of Maxim Goldarb's parents were seized, as the punitive authorities coul...