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Lies, censorship and closing down debate

NATO’s Info-War on Ukraine 

Since February 24, every UK media outlet has been overwhelmed with fake news, false flag events, and pure invention by political and military ‘experts’, aimed at portraying the government and military of the Russian Federation as evil mass murderers.

In recent years NATO’s info-war tactics have become a war weapon in themselves, in Russia’s case to justify building NATO bases and filling Ukraine with cutting edge weapons, without Ukraine actually being in NATO.

NATO’s ultimate aim is to achieve regime change in Russia to one which is compliant with NATO’s aims, which is hostile to People’s China, and will end assistance for countries like Venezuela, Cuba or Syria.

The war in Syria was the first in which a duplicate version of reality was created. Reactionary jihadists speaking perfect English were trained in communication technology to produce fake atrocity videos in areas where western reporters faced possible beheading.

Members of the Western-created White Helmets “civil defence”, actually an Al Qaeda front, took part in beheading an 11 year-old Palestinian boy. Faked poison gas attacks led to members of the UN OPCW resigning after the official reports were falsified, and BBC producer Riam Dalati resigning to campaign for the truth to be told.

Now this is being repeated in Ukraine, with a complex infrastructure rolling out propaganda, fake news and scare stories - examples include:

“Europe threatened with nuclear disaster” after Russians shelled the Chernobyl nuclear plant. In fact Ukrainian forces themselves blew up a building not part of the actual power plant.

“The Russians are carpet-bombing Ukrainian cities” - yet US filmmaker Gonzalo Lira, in a long interview from central Kharkov told George Galloway's MOATS RT TV programme: "I have cellphone connection, I have internet, I have water, I have sewage, I have heating".

British intelligence operative Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, behind the fake gas attacks in Syria, is now promoting fakes in Ukraine, claiming on London’s LBC radio that Russia plans to use white phosphorus and chemical weapons (source: The Grayzone).

BBC and CNN claims that “hundreds died in the Mariupol theatre bombing”. These were based on one local Azov (ie. Nazi) supporting official who was contradicted by Ukraine government ombudswoman Ludmyla Denisova, who said “The theatre withstood the impact… and protected (the people) in the bomb shelter”, while a pro-government journalist hailed the "miracle" of civilians surviving.

Mariupol citizens had warned of an Azov false flag attack, and civilians who escaped Mariupol testified that Azov fighters blew up the theatre and that they were used as human shields.

There are countless more examples.

Many people are questioning why when NATO and its allies bombed Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, Syrians, Yemenis or Libyans, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians, there were no minute-by-minute news reports, video and audio interviews with civilians and refugees.

Why the hysterical demands for the “white European” Ukrainian refugees to be given instant and automatic access to Britain and other EU states, and offered money, homes and jobs?

Why this special treatment compared to refugees fleeing long conflicts caused by NATO?

At the same time our mass media ignores the plight of millions in Yemen where 230,000 have died in NATO-backed bombing while Britain supplies weapons and diplomatic protection against war crimes charges, and Afghanistan, where the US & Britain have blocked aid and loans and frozen state assets while millions face starvation.

Likewise, the horrific treatment of Asian and African refugees by white Ukrainians and at the Polish border has revealed the extent of white supremacism in both countries.

Immediately after the February 2014 coup in Ukraine, trade union and communist party offices were ransacked and torched, and opposition politicians beaten by fascist thugs.

Since then a reactionary nationalist mentality has deeply penetrated the Ukrainian population. Dozens of opposition media outlets, TV, radio, press, have been raided and shut down, over a dozen in 2022, for being ‘pro-Moscow’ or ‘pro-terrorist’.

The current war in Ukraine actually began on April 15 2014, when Ukraine launched an “Anti-Terrorist Operation” (ATO), in the east, shortly after CIA Director John Brennan visited Kiev. This was an all-out modern military offensive with tanks, artillery, missiles and aircraft.

Under new laws anyone opposing the ATO could be imprisoned. In 2014-16 many opponents of the government were brutally tortured by fascists and the SBU (Ukrainian intelligence). Many journalists were murdered while members of fascist groups were freed from courts by their fellow gangsters while the judges faced death threats.

At least 50 anti-fascists were murdered by fascists and nationalists at the Odessa Trade Union House Fire on May 2, 2014 - there has never been any official investigation.

Since 2014 the Ukrainian military and fascist battalions, incorporated into the National Guard, killed 5,059 people in the Donetsk People’s Republic alone, including 91 children (figures obtained from Donetsk, February 2022). Thousands more died in the Lugansk PR.

Millions of Ukrainians were driven into political or economic exile, many after fascist death threats. Over two million now live in the Russian Federation. But the world showed no interest in these "white European" victims.

In these conditions, no-one can occupy any public position in Ukraine unless they are acceptable to the fascist organisations. By 2022 members of far right and Nazi organisations were to be found in the police, army, and local and national government, up to deputy minister level.

NATO military forces have been more or less openly arming and training fascist militias. Last month Declassified UK obtained photos of a meeting between British Army officers and the National Guard.

The Western countries no longer try to hide these armed fascist outfits; just as in Syria Al Qaeda, once the evil terrorist arch-enemy, became “moderates”, now Ukrainian Nazis are being made respectable.

Facebook has OK’d positive comments on the Nazi Azov Battalion - as long as they are for “defending Ukraine”. On 16 March Deutsche Welle quoted an Azov officer: "The (WW2 Nazi SS) Wolfsangel has far-right connotations... but it is not considered a fascist symbol by the population in Ukraine."

In news reports many Ukrainian soldiers have tape around their arms, presumably to hide the Nazi-style badges such as the Wolfsangel.

Meanwhile in Britain a highly unpleasant hatred of anything Russian is being encouraged. British international law experts and Western leaders are calling for genocide charges against Russia, before any verified statistics can possibly be known. Why is the alleged killing of civilians in Ukraine "genocide", but not the known and confirmed killing of at at least 500,000 civilians in Iraq, on the basis of known and confirmed lies?

The aims of NATO’s information warfare are:

To label anyone supporting anti-fascists in Ukraine, and exposing the greatest resurgence of Nazism in Europe since 1945, as "supporting pro-Russian terrorists” (the reason given for cancelling the venue for a recent public meeting in London, after the intervention of the Ukrainian ambassador).

To justify sending more weapons to Ukraine, increased weapons spending, and more NATO forces in Europe.

To attempt to close down any debate on the war in Ukraine in an atmosphere of anti Russian hatred.

We do not believe the lies of the Western mass media. We believe that the Russian people and their government are civilised people.

We believe the Russian leadership when they say they do not intend to attack civilian targets, and that the actual civilian casualties are far lower than those caused by NATO’s wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya.

We believe that NATO members have no right to condemn the Russian Federation for its actions in Ukraine until they confess to their own war crimes in those countries, to which can be added Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Grenada, Indonesia, Iran, Chile, Grenada and Panama.

These crimes include the use of napalm, chemical weapons, and multiple, well documented massacres of civilians in Korea and Vietnam.

Perhaps when they confess to those crimes they can comment on the current war in Ukraine, but even then, they must do so on the basis of truth, not on the basis of lies manufactured by fascists under the guidance of the US 'Deep State' and British Intelligence.


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