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Statement by the Chair of the CPRF Central Committee

J. Borrel is a long–time opponent of Russia. Back in May 2019, he called our country an “old enemy.” But his current statement is of a new qualitative nature. Borrel has publicly revealed the plans of Western strategists, which were closely kept in secret until now. This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the NATO war against Russia, where the Ukrainian nation is used as a cannon fodder.

The words “negotiations” or “political settlement” have disappeared from the vocabulary of Western politicians and their Kiev vassals. In the West and in Kiev as well, exclusively militant speeches are in the air. Weapon supplies and mercenaries are flooding Ukraine. The false information warfare is on the way in extremely aggressive manner.

At the same time, Western “democracies” do not hesitate to use the most disgusting bloody provocations. It has been already confirmed that the “Bucha massacre” was of a staged nature, as well as Tochka-U missile strike at the station in Kramatorsk killing more than 50 civilians, was done by Bandera troops.

But as the chief of Hitler’s propaganda Goebbels stated “the more terrible the lie, the more willing they are to believe it.” Since the West needs to justify the atrocities of its vassals, new bloody provocations can be expected.

The United States and its allies do not just ignore the fact that the present power in Ukraine is under control of outright Nazis. They protect these rotten sons who are the successors of fascist criminals and perpetrators of the gravest crimes against the people of Ukraine. Confirmation of this is the voting procedure on December 7th  2021 on the UN resolution entitled “Combating the glorification of Nazism, neo–Nazism, and other forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia”.

Only two countries, in fact, have supported fascism by voting against the resolution: these are the USA and Ukraine. 49 countries abstained. Among those who refused to condemn Nazism are all “democracies”, many of which had been fighting on Hitler’s side, and currently provide Bandera with weapon systems along with political and propaganda cover.

In particular, they are Great Britain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

Even American congressmen with alarm speak about the fact that Ukraine has turned into a world center of neo-Nazism. But the real power in America is in hands of those who support Bandera neo-Nazis. The United States is forcing all NATO allies to drive weapons to Ukraine, forcing them to buy new American weapons, thereby increasing profits of “sellers of death” in the United States.

The smoke screen of the “struggle for universal values” has been dropped. Josep Borrel has publicly equated the European Union, NATO and Bandera troops. The West can no longer hide its historical hatred of Russia along with desire to suppress it, relying again on the most sinister forces in the face of neo-Nazism.

In these conditions, the solidarity of all progressive forces of the world is essential. It is necessary to mobilize all the spiritual, intellectual and economic resources of Russia to repel fascism.

The country needs a new course based on the proposals submitted by the Communist Party. The social and economic policy of the Russian state must undergo fundamental changes in order not only removing sanctions stranglehold, but also to embark on the path of independence in import and accelerated industrialization, relying on the creative genius of the people, on the enormous natural resources and production potential of Russia.

Our future is socialism!

G. Zyuganov

Chair of the CPRF Central Committee
April 13th 2022


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