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This is not Russia’s and Ukraine’s war


Gyula Thürmer, President of the Hungarian Workers’ Party
28th Congress of the Hungarian Workers’ Party on 23 April 

This is the USA’s war against Russia. This is the USA’s war against the People’s Republic of China. This is the war of neoliberalism for world domination.

The USA and NATO has been preparing for war against Russia for years. Significant military forces were deployed in Eastern European countries. NATO armed Ukraine. It supported the nationalist, fascist policies of the Ukrainian leadership.

The war was provoked by the West. The facts prove that Ukraine has already completed preparations for an attack on Russia. With the military operations, Russia prevented the Ukrainian aggression.

The main target of the war is China. Trump wanted an agreement with China, but on terms dictated by him. China said no to this. Biden considers China the greatest enemy and aims for total war.

If Russia weakens, China loses an important ally and then it will be easier to contain the Chinese economic expansion, to destroy the Chinese dream, to obstruct the construction the socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The USA expends the struggle of neoliberalism for world domination to a global conflict. The current war will have several stages and it will last long.

America has more or less the same plans for the EU as in the Second World War. Let the Europeans bleed out and then we come, bring the Marshall Plans, build a new Europe. But there everything will be American.

The EU is already not its own master. The EU is just floating on the waves raised by the Americans. It doesn’t dare to go to war, it couldn’t really do that anyway, so it pursues an economic war but, in the process, shoots itself in the foot too.

The EU would be saved if it reached an agreement with Russia. There are possibilities for that. The Russians never wanted to conquer Europe. Well, over the past three centuries, the Russians have taken Berlin three times, but just to ensure that Europe respects Russia and doesn’t endanger its security.

But America doesn’t want this historic agreement between the EU and Russia to happen. The US support those who are ready to put the liberal capital’s interests about the interests of European nations. The US support those who accept America’s domination and are capable of forcing it upon their own people.

The USA and NATO are enemies of peace. The USA and NATO are not interested in ending the war, but in continuing it. They gave weapons to the Ukrainians for the further fights and push them towards war, not towards an agreement. The USA and NATO is encouraging the EU to pursue its anti-Russian sanction policy.

The war means enormous profits for the West. They get rid of their old weapons and the military industry gets new orders. The reconstruction after the war will bring huge profits to the American and Western European capital.


  1. The British propaganda machine machine swung into action like the crack of a whip, permeating all the media, force feeding the population like the Strasbourg geese, but with endless lies, vile anti-Putin, anti-Russian hatred, non-stop not only news programmes, but sneaking it into entertainment programmes, you name it, it was propaganda matching Gourbels in WW2.


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