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What the ‘other side’ say about Ukraine


 Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega 

 "With all the sanctions they've imposed on the Russian Federation, which is waging a just war against fascism, against Nazism, which is entrenched in the power of the golpistas in Ukraine, they are destroying the European economy".

 Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro

 “The war in Ukraine is not a local military war, it is a global war, an economic war. Indeed, it is a world war. It is a war against Russia, its goal is to destroy Russia.”

 Khulekani Skosana, ANC Youth League

“Our position is that we side with the oppressed people of Donbas who have been bombarded for the past eight years, and they don't have the opportunity to appear every day on CNN, therefore it is our responsibility to speak for them. We commend President Putin and we commend President Cyril Ramaphosa for taking this posture and standing up against bullies who for years have thought the world belongs to them. For us it's very clear, NATO is responsible for what we find in Libya, but there were no sanctions imposed on NATO countries. We still see those people toiling and suffering in Libya, nobody cares about them.”

 Arthur Scargill, National Union of Mineworkers, leader of 1984-85 miners' strike

“The Chinese understand the situation in the dispute involving Russia and Ukraine and refuse to regard Russia's action as an invasion. They noted that negotiations must involve the guarantees that Ukraine agreed, that it would not be part of NATO or the European Union. Both have been sending arms to Ukraine and continue to do so. The conflict can be resolved quickly, but only if Ukraine confirms its previous agreement with Russia that Ukraine will not join NATO or the EU or allow any NATO or US bases to be allowed on Ukrainian soil.”

 Chris Williamson, former Labour MP

 “The British government is spending public money to prolong this war, in spite of the fact that the Zelensky regime is the most corrupt in Europe, that it’s an incredibly authoritarian regime, that opposition parties there have been banned and opposition leaders imprisoned. I think it’s really incumbent on those of us in the labour movement to speak out, and to push the political leadership and also those on the trade union side, the trade union leadership and the TUC - where are they on this issue? As we know people are being fed a diet of total garbage and propaganda, and we certainly can't rely on the corporate media to give us the reality of the situation.”

 Roger Waters, Pink Floyd

 “Why won't the United States of America encourage Zelensky to negotiate, and to explain why when he stood on the platform of ratifying the Minsk agreements which he did when he was elected by 73% of the Ukrainian population that was left able to vote? After that somebody whispered in his ear and he completely changed his mind about making peace in the Donbas and about solidifying the Minsk agreements, making peace with his Russian neighbours and obviating the need for this horrific, horrendous war which is killing untold numbers of Ukrainians.” (Leaked quote, edited out of original CNN interview)

 Pyotr Simonenko, Communist Party of Ukraine 

 “An armed coup in February 2014 established the power of the most reactionary forces: the comprador bourgeoisie allied with neo-Fascists and organised crime. “It was through these forces that the USA unleashed in Ukraine a fratricidal civil war, a war against the citizens of Donbass who are upholding their constitutional rights and freedoms. It was these forces which, at the instigation of the US ruling circles, brought about a development of the civil war in Donbass into a war against Russia. “The imperialists turn a blind eye to the fact that Zelensky’s pro-Fascist regime is ruthlessly doing away with political opponents. “We believe the war of the Donbass against the Kiev regime should be considered a national liberation struggle, in essence, a war for independence from the ruling fascist regime, for the right of the people to speak their native Russian language and not to follow the anti-Russian course imposed by the United States. “Hence, on the basis of Marxist theory, the military conflict in Ukraine should not be considered as an imperialist war in a literal sense of the word, and moreover in view of Russia, but as the struggle against an external threat to national security and fascism. “An army of thousands of Ukrainian nationalists under the command of American and NATO instructors was concentrated on the borders of the republics, and the detailed invasion plan had been developed by Washington generals in advance. “Accordingly, in order to protect its citizens and ensure national security, Russia had no other choice but to deliver a preventive strike. “We express confidence in our victory, a victory of 'light’ over ‘darkness’ ”. 

 Boris Litvinov, Communist Party of the Donetsk People's Republic

 “It is extremely important for us to defeat the challenges of Nazism, Banderism, and Anglo-Saxon aggression. A struggle for a multipolar world is going on on our soil, and we can win it only by uniting the progressive forces that stand for social justice, the friendship of peoples and the solidarity of working people. We thank the Chinese Communist Party, which stands in solidarity with us. We thank our friends in India and Vietnam, in Cuba and in Venezuela - they show clear and precise support. The people of Syria show solidarity with our struggle. The communists and anti-fascists of Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain, the USA and many other countries help us in the struggle for the right to live according to the will of our people, through their actions in their countries.” 

 Gennady Zyuganov, Communist Party of the Russian Federation

“The United States and its allies ignore the fact that the present power in Ukraine is under the control of outright Nazis, and protect these rotten sons who are the successors of fascist criminals and perpetrators of the gravest crimes against the people of Ukraine. Even American congressmen speak with alarm about the fact that Ukraine has turned into a world centre of neo-Nazism, but the real power in America is in the hands of those who support Banderite neo-Nazis. “The West can no longer hide its historical hatred of Russia, relying again on the most sinister forces in the form of neo-Nazism. In these conditions, the solidarity of all progressive forces of the world is essential. The tragedy is that the reactionary forces make active use of Neo-Nazism and Neo-Fascism to achieve their goals. 


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