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Defend Maxim Goldarb!

The current Ukrainian authorities have unleashed political repression against the left and other opposition parties since last year. Ideological opponents of the current government in Ukraine are awaiting prison or death. We openly and constantly say to the whole world that an oligarchic dictatorship headed by President Zelensky has been established in Ukraine.
In one of his recent articles, the leader of our party; Union of Left Forces - For New Socialism, Maxim Goldarb, wrote how all those who disagree with the government are now being declared 'state traitors'; in Ukraine. This article was published in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the USA and many other countries around the world.
Just a few weeks after the publication of this article, on October 12  2023, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search in Maxim Goldarb's Kiev apartment, during which personal belongings and pension savings of Maxim Goldarb's parents were seized, as the punitive authorities could not find anything illegal. Then the Security Service of Ukraine and the prosecutor's office, as if following the algorithm specified by Maxim Goldarb in the article, suspected him in absentia of allegedly committing information activities in favour of the aggressor and justifying aggression against Ukraine.
The court sent a submission for his arrest and imprisonment. At the same time, the document of suspicion was not delivered or sent to Maxim Goldarb in the manner prescribed by law, which grossly violated his rights to defence. What was the basis for the SBU and prosecutors to make such a heavy accusation?
Probably some serious proof of guilt, evidence: operational data, unclassified data, results of witness interviews, results of phone tapping, searches and inspections? No. Maybe espionage, sabotage, coup d'etat, murder, corruption? Also no. Because it was not and could not be: being a highly qualified lawyer, attorney, Maxim Goldarb acts exclusively in the legal field.
Today, no proof of guilt in Ukraine is needed to prosecute oppositionists - only posts in social networks and statements about the causes and consequences of the war in Ukraine, a different, disagreeing position with the position of the official Ukrainian authorities are enough.
What did Maxim Goldarb talk about in his articles, posts on social networks, speeches, interviews? He spoke about the need for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the beginning of peace talks; he wrote about the approaching nuclear catastrophe; he pointed out the beneficiaries of the war in Ukraine, primarily the oligarchy and the military-industrial complex; he wrote about the unthinkable corruption of war and blood; he openly declared the blossoming of neo-Nazism in the country; he drew historical parallels to compare with the current circumstances. He wrote and spoke about all of the things that have long been understood in Ukraine, in the United States, in Europe, and everywhere else in the world.
Today, such expression of opinion in Ukraine is a thought crime, a grave sin in the eyes of the current government, because dissent, objectivity and truth undermine the foundations of its rule. This is punishable in today's Ukraine by mandatory arrest, imprisonment for up to 15 years and confiscation of all property. 
The criminal prosecution of Maxim Goldarb, the leader of our party and leader of the modern Ukrainian socialist movement, is the apogee of the Zelensky regime's systemic repressive policy aimed at the complete destruction of the leftist movement in Ukraine.

We appeal to you to show the maximum international solidarity, which has always been strong in the world leftist movement, and to speak out in defence of Maxim Goldarb.

Political Council
Union of Left Forces - For New Socialism Party


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