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We Need a Unified Struggle Against Imperialism!

 Zionist Holocaust backed by the West, aping Hitler. In Ukraine they fund open Nazis. Demonstrate for political prisoners and against child murderers in Palestine and Ukraine! Come and demonstrate outside Downing Street against the government’s support for Zionist Israel, and Banderaite Nazis in Ukraine. Both regimes engage in genocidal ethnic cleansing of populations they want rid of: Palestinians and Russian speakers. Both regimes murder, imprison and torture civilians, including many children, for being born into the ‘wrong’ ethnic group. Genocide is in full swing in Gaza. Israel is shooting civilians in homes and the streets, destroying and bulldozing hospitals, schools, UN refuge facilities, and more. Killing medical staff, patients, children, even babies, stopping incubators causing death and/or bulldozing them under the ruins. More than 20,000 are confirmed dead already, with many thousands more under rubble. Half are children; half Gaza’s population are under 18. Israel’s carpe

Lenin Was Right: The Ukrainian war proves that

International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity held a successful 'hybrid' meeting in central London earlier in November. Speakers from Britain, Ireland, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Poland spoke on the platform or via Zoom on the topic 'The struggle against Banderite fascism and the future of Ukraine'. This is the contribution from Konrad Rękas, a Polish journalist and political commentator. In 1913, the world was convinced that the threat of war was completely impossible, which was related with the progress of civilisation, the development of science, and especially the international system based on the so-called concert of powers, international conferences during which colonial empires shared global spheres of influence. However, in reality, under the skin of this alleged belle epoque there were insurmountable contradictions and class conflicts, and enlightened minds already saw the spectre of a crisis that would surpass all previous problems of capitalism. Ne

Britain out of Nato now!

International Ukraine Anti-Fascist Solidarity held a successful 'hybrid' meeting in central London earlier in the month. Speakers from Britain, Ireland, Ukraine, the Russian Federation and Poland spoke on the platform or via Zoom on the topic 'The struggle against Banderite fascism and the future of Ukraine'. This is the contribution from John Maxted from the British No2Nato-No2war campaign. Since its founding, No2Nato has fought hard to establish itself as the home for all sections of the British anti-war movement, regardless of where they identify on the political spectrum. We recognise that it's only by forging a united front that we can truly stand up for international peace and friendship. Perhaps most importantly, we understand that the greatest obstacle to achieving and maintaining that peace is NATO and the aggression it has carried out on multiple fronts. This is why it is our mission to see Britain break free from this organisation, as it is effectively

Defend Maxim Goldarb!

The current Ukrainian authorities have unleashed political repression against the left and other opposition parties since last year. Ideological opponents of the current government in Ukraine are awaiting prison or death. We openly and constantly say to the whole world that an oligarchic dictatorship headed by President Zelensky has been established in Ukraine. In one of his recent articles, the leader of our party; Union of Left Forces - For New Socialism, Maxim Goldarb, wrote how all those who disagree with the government are now being declared 'state traitors'; in Ukraine. This article was published in Germany, Spain, Portugal, the USA and many other countries around the world. Just a few weeks after the publication of this article, on October 12  2023, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search in Maxim Goldarb's Kiev apartment, during which personal belongings and pension savings of Maxim Goldarb's parents were seized, as the punitive authorities coul

Struggle for Socialism – Struggle for Peace!

  by Tatiana Desyatova  The decision to start the special operation of the Russian troops, taken by President Putin came like a thunderstorm out of clear skies for Russian society. The very first days of the war showed that the scale of what is happening goes far beyond not only Russia-Ukraine relations, but also beyond the European continent. It happens on the background of the most desperate struggle in the information sphere and severe economic sanctions.  A considerable number of Russian citizens are experiencing mixed feelings: from patriotism and to radical pacifism with demands for peace here and now. Our task is to analyse what is happening from Marxist-Leninist positions.  We are sincerely convinced that in difficult situations one should first of all look for answers in the ideological legacy of V I Lenin, since its power is so great that it still relevant and up to date. According to Lenin wars can be of different types. The first  is when wars are waged in the interes


Rome, October 28th  2023 Delegates from 40 organizations and individuals from 25 countries gathered in Rome on October 27 - 28, 2023, to discuss the causes of the current war in Ukraine, the war’s impact on international peace, the dangers facing our people and the tasks of the movement for a fair and permanent peace. Our conclusions: - The aggressive policies of the United States and its closest allies (the West) are the root causes of the war in Ukraine and, as we see in Palestine, are pushing humanity to the brink of a third world war.  - In order to maintain a unipolar world order, the West needs imperialist domination. It aims to transform the great majority of the world’s countries into vassal states, leading to a neocolonial international system. - The imperialist elite uses the pseudo-progressive ideological mask of “democratic globalization”, the defense of human and civil rights and the overcoming of national states as a pretext for their domination. They use institutions suc

The Donetsk Declaration

On 9th October 2023, the Donetsk Declaration was adopted in the city of Donetsk. We call on all political parties, trade unions, public organizations and movements to discuss the text and join the Donetsk Declaration. Today the world is in grave danger. The financial capital of the United States and the NATO countries, acting together with the Ukrainian oligarchy, brought the Ukrainian bourgeois nation to the state of Nazism, provoked the war in Ukraine, using its people as a battering ram directed against Russia. The imperialist goal of the United States is the weakening and dismemberment of Russia into a number of warring entities. All this was supposed to make it possible to seize the economic territory and natural resources of Russia, as well as to establish control over political processes with the help of a puppet government.  At the same time, the imperialist efforts of the United States are aimed at maintaining its hegemony by unleashing bloody conflicts in different part